Optical Drive - CF-18

Panasonic Toughbook CF-18 Optical Drive

The Toughbook CF-18 does not include an optical drive, however, you can utilize an external optical drive that can be connected to any of the available USB ports. 

To see what external optical DVD drives are available, please click here.

You use your Panasonic Toughbook every day so why wouldn’t you want a laptop that’s running at its peak performance? Optimize the performance of your laptop by upgrading to the maximum RAM and a super-fast Solid State Drive (SSD ). Learn more about the advantages of taking your Toughbook to the next level here.

The Panasonic Toughbook CF-18 is an older generation model that includes many obsolete technologies. We recommend upgrading to the Toughbook CF-20 or Toughbook CF-19. Talk to one of our technical associates about trading in your older Toughbook for a newer one.